Friday, October 18, 2013

How MIGRATING affects your life

United States of America - According to Wikipedia, Filipinos across the country has reached 3,416,840 ( as by U.S. Census Bureau. Followed by the Saudi Arabia, Malaysia, UAE and Canada took the 5th place for the most Filipinos from other country.

Philippines - According to Wikipedia too, from the 2010 census of the Philippines, it has already the population of  92,337,852 which is the 7th most populous country in Asia and 12th worldwide

- Defining OFW, They are the Filipinos outside the Philippines who's reason why they left the country is to work or to migrate to support their families. When they work, some Filipinos grab the opportunity to take their family members with them in the country where they are to establish residency and work.

Before I entered the mainland of USA at the age of 16, who was recently graduated high school last March 2012, I was excited 'cause, yehey! my dream of being here came true! but on the other side, I was sad, I left my family and relatives, my friends and even my best friend. That was so sad! So yeah, you came here without knowing somebody etc. You'll feel sad 'cause as I said, you will leave your love ones. Since, I already know that I'm in the LAND OF THE OPPORTUNITY, I started to make my  goals now. Imagine, at the age of 16, I wanted to work now to earn money. It is legal in United States for 16-17 years old (minor) to work, earning the minimum wage depending on the city like in San Francisco$10.25 (not sure but it's 10$), like in San bruno $8 etc. I tried to apply, but people say, I'm too young to do jobs. STFU, I'm not a kid anymore. I can do those things too blablabla. I feel discriminated, but it doesn't make any sense to me though. Employers [who are Filipinos] adviced me to go and study and adapt at least the country's culture and adjust. Way back to Philippines, I felt so lazy to be a working student, but now, I want to go to work, make my expenses and buy stuffs on my own and so on. 

Now, I did my relatives and friends opinion to go for it, and study. The School District officer [who's a Filipino too] gave me 2 options. Go to College OR Go to High School. I decided to go to high school for the fact that, I might experience CULTURE SHOCK; Second, it's obviously COLLEGE IN THE UNITED STATES is freaking expensive. Imagine, you can enroll in Ateneo De Manila like for a year or more with the price of  fees in Stanford University costs. But it's a great opportunity to graduate here with the degree and you know already guys why. And last, I want to experience what does high school here are. And what's the difference. Here are some of comparisons:

We experience shortage of classrooms in Public Schools: Supplies, Class Rooms, Chairs, Teachers, Books and Even Facilities. We in need of those things. Fortunately, Education is such a priceless and most treasured things of Filipinos. We value what Education gives us. In the PH, you have < 11 periods, 10-12 hours per day class, friday is considered no homework for some schools in private, assignments are few but not many and you have time to do extra things. 10th grades all in all from elementary to high school, no K-12 program but it's now being implemented and will fully implemented in 2016

In the United States, education is a priority too. School district does do everything for their school. They have enough supplies, class rooms, teachers, class, equipments and facilities. \Well, Elementary, Middle School and High School in Public Schools are absolutely "FREE". No cost. Books are being borrowed by the student for free and you should turn it in (pass it) at the end of the school year. Lunch/Breakfast could be "FREE" or "REDUCED" if you are qualified. We have < 7 hours of school, 6 periods, almost everyday has a homework and every period , everyday is almost like quiz stuffs etc.
It has a huge comparison, yet they have the same goal: To educate students to prepare them for their future. And it's awesome!

So back to the track! For now, I'm studying hard so that I could get higher grades 'cause the GPA affects your resume (job application) to apply for a job. Afterwards, if I will be able to graduate, I'll pursue my goal. So my goals are impossible if I won't make efforts on it, right? Basically, I want to apply for a job just to fill in experiences, a temporary income in other words. If God will also let me have internships, then it's fine! It works too. While working, I will go to community college. So basically a community college contributes to fill out credits so that you won't be taking it to all universities and you can get also Associate Degree in community college like City College of San Francisco. I plan to get an AB in Information Technology and Computer Science. Then after that, I'll try to get jobs related to my course if possible then earn money and go for Bachelor Degree in univerisities. After that, I will now go for Apple, Microsoft, Dell, HP, Google, Facebook etc. 

Way back to Philippines, I planned to study in Adamson, if possible to PUP or TUP. After graduation, I will go to Acenture (I don't know if that's the write company name) or IBM or any IT Companys since that IT Companys are expanding at the Philippines. However, since we migrate here. It got changed.

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